BCS Health Scotland Conference 2010
The 2010 BCS Health Scotland Annual Conference was held this year in the highest of high tech arenas, the futuristic Glasgow Science Centre.
Almost 200 delegates and exhibitors shared conference presentations from speakers from all around the world. The Conference also provided a showcase of the very best eHealth projects in Scotland including the winners of the NHS Scotland eHealth awards.
The exhibition area showcased eHealth products from over 20 vendors with a further 15 stands on the upper floor giving public sector information from organisations such as the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the Scottish Government eHealth Directorate and the NHS Scotland National Information Services Group.
The conference started on Wednesday 22nd September with keynote speakers giving presentations on eHealth as seen from the perspective of governments in Canada, Saudi Arabia and Sweden. There were then various presentations from speakers on such topics as ‘Telehealth in Africa’, ‘Quality improvement in eHealth in America’ and ‘eHealth in Malaysia’. The day closed with a champagne reception for vendors, presenters and delegates held in the main exhibition hall.
On the second day the conference focussed on topics such as the ‘Welsh Individual Health Record Infrastructure’, the ‘Scottish Patient Safety Programme’ and ‘Monitoring Access to Clinical Systems’.
The day closed with the declaration of the winners in the NHS Scotland eHealth awards for 2010. The judges for these awards were drawn from the exceedingly knowledgeable pool of field experts in the UK. The award winners were as follows:-
Best NHS Scotland IT Service Delivery Team which was awarded to the project lead team at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde team for their Strathclyde Electronic Renal Patient Record project.
Best NHS Scotland eHealth initiative supporting quality improvement of patient service or outcomes which was awarded to the NHS Ayrshire and Arran team for their project entitled ‘ eHealth systems to support clinical outcomes measurement and service improvement’.
Best NHS Scotland use of innovative IT for Patient Care which went to the team from NHS Highland with their ‘Telehealth for Long Term conditions in Argyll and Bute’ project.
At the close of an extremely busy and successful conference the Chair of the BCS Health Scotland Specialist Group, Dr Paul Woolman, was pleased to announce that the 2011 conference will be held in mid September at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
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