Productive Community Services programme (England)
Launch of Productive Community Services programme.
The Challenge for Community Services – 19th October 2009
The Productive Community Services programme is being launched by the NHS Institute this month and provides an evidence-based approach to improve the way we work across the range of services and pathways of community care.
It supports staff across all NHS organisations who deliver frontline community services such as community nurses, therapists and health visitors.
It focuses on those areas for improvement where we can make the biggest difference most quickly for the largest number of patients.
It will:
- increase patient-facing contact time
- reduce inefficient work practices
- improve the quality and safety of care
- revitalise the workforce
- put staff at the forefront of redesigning their services.
Tools for you to use
Our tools release time for clinical staff to care and release time for leaders to lead by improving the basic ways we organise and manage our work whilst improving quality, safety and patient experience.
Our tools include:
Well Organised Working Environment
To help front line teams to analyse their current activities and to develop and test more effective working systems.
Patient Status at a Glance
To enable multi-professional and multi-location teams to understand the status of every patient, using the most up-to-date “visual management” techniques.
Knowing How we are Doing
To enable local teams to understand team performance and set team improvement goals in areas such as safety, quality, productivity, patient experience and staff experience.
Managing Caseload and Staffing
To get the most out of the people and avoid bottlenecks by managing caseloads better and plan staff activity more effectively
Find out more about the Productive Community Services programme

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