MedApps Win at Mobile Healthcare Industry Summit
Judging at the Mobile Healthcare Industry Summit was tough as there were many great applications and solutions.
In the end there had to be a winner and on the day MedApps won out
[mc src=”” type=”youtube”]MedApps “20% technology and 80% psychology”[/mc]

Kent Dicks from MedApps collecting his award
Second Prize went to Patients Know Best with the website that allows a patient to manage their health care by working with their clinical team.

Patient Knows Best - Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli gets second place
A special mention was made for Sinseprod who are doing great work in Africa utilising mobile phones to deliver healthcare in remote and rural areas.

Dr Adesina Iluyemi of Sinseprod with the judges
MedAps Website – Mobile Wireless Health Monitoring
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