NHS 24 showcase two new services

NHS 24
Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon finds out more about two pilot projects at NHS 24 – a British Sign Language (BSL) Breathing Space service and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) telephony service.
The Breathing Space BSL internet service is due to launch shortly and will give BSL users access to Breathing Space counselling via secure webcam. Breathing Space offers support to people suffering from depression or feeling down. The CBT service is being piloted in five health boards and is designed to offer better access to psychological therapies across Scotland, particularly in remote and rural areas.
NHS 24’s Chairman, Allan Watson, said: “NHS 24 delivers a vital and valuable health advice and information service to the Scottish public. There have been many positive developments within NHS 24 in the last year, including the launch of the CBT and BSL pilots.
The CBT service is being piloted in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Shetland, NHS Borders, NHS Western Isles and NHS Lothian.
Scotland has around 6,000 people whose first language is British Sign Language.
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