Edinburgh pharmacist to offer heart checks on Cardiopod
The Evening News reported that Edinburgh pharmacists are to offer heart checks on the Cariopod.

Cardiopod in Edinburgh

Cardiopod in pharmacy
Telehealth Solutions’ CardioPod is a system for facilitating the NHS Health Check.
CardioPod features:
• Can be installed on a small portable touchscreen device for community use
• Can be installed on a large touchscreen device for use in GP surgeries as well as pharmacies
• Comes complete with scales and phygmomanometer, to capture basic vital signs information.
An LDX blood chemistry analyser is available to provide a lipid profile and blood glucose measurement in less than five minutes.
What needed a lab test two years ago can now be carried out at the point of care! Health Checks can therefore always be completed in one sitting, so no hassles with follow-up appointments…and patients get instant feedback. Information is uploaded to a secure database for appropriate analysis and review. If approved, the information will also be accessible from GP practice management systems.
Other benefits are substantial too:
• A big reduction in clerical time entering information
• Eliminates clerical errors
• The latest information is immediately available to clinicians.
…and it’s very patient-friendly. The touchscreen means that even those completely unfamiliar with keyboards
can answer the standard Health Check questions.
…and the output is very eye catching. The cardiovascular risk score is calculated using industry standard assessment tools, such as Qrisk®2 and shown in patient-friendly format using visuals to indicate
variances in risk levels.
…and the CardioPod facilitates and records the results of discussion with the patient on how they can improve their risk score, delivering a printout of their agreed actions for the patient to take away. This can also be stored on the secure server for follow-up when the next check is done.
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