HomeeHealthBCS eHealth Awards 2012


BCS eHealth Awards 2012 — 1 Comment

  1. Make the GPs commissioners or the raemecplent organisation accountable by putting a percentage of their income 10 15% at risk for the decisions they make.Give the buildings housing hospital services over to the commissioning body and allow them to commission the services from the foundation trusts to go in those spaces. Only then will you get truly integrated services and the services that are required for the local population. Any provider NHS, social enterprise, private could provide the services within the buildings.Have the DoH put together contracts with reward and penalties that drive progression, inclusion and quality improvements that are reviewed every three to five years.Link the acute and all primary sector providers to demonstrate education and learning across there all areas and disciplines and make this a condition of their payments system. This will integrate the systems, allowing primary care providers to retain more of the simple cases and ensure that acute sector focuses on the more challenging cases.

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